Meet Kurt - changing the lives of students and Australians

While many know Kurt for his role in helping to change Australians’ attitudes towards people with a disability, not everyone knows he’s also a teacher who loves inspiring his students. And no wonder, when Kurt himself says that his life was changed by teachers who went the extra mile to help him be his best.

Trusting Teachers Health for your family’s healthcare

As Kurt says, Teachers Health understands teachers’ needs and the demands they face, which is why we’re trusted by so many teachers and their families across Australia. With two young children, Kurt says we meet his family’s needs better than any other fund out there.

Our members choose our Hospital cover for greater control over their healthcare, knowing their families can get the treatment they want, when they need it.

And with Extras cover, you get additional support for things like optical and dental for the whole tribe, as well as physio, chiro and more.​

Cover that reflects the needs of school staff

We understand teachers – we know school staff work incredibly hard, and believe you deserve health insurance that works just as hard to give you the best value and service.
Help with the family healthcare – from glasses or braces for the kids to a well-earned massage for the parents, Extras cover goes towards a range of services to keep you all fit and well.
Choose your doctor – whether it’s for a sporting injury (which Kurt’s had a few of!) or other treatment, our Hospital cover lets you choose your own doctor and avoid long public hospital waiting lists.
Support for life’s ups and downs – Kurt doesn’t mind a challenge, but if you do need extra support, we help eligible members with things like health conditions, mental wellness and having a baby.