Extra support for Teachers Health members
The Healthcare Services team helps eligible members with Hospital cover access a range of support services*. This can be linked to hospital treatment, having a baby, or managing your physical and/or mental health.
Your personal care coordinator will support you to find the right approach. To learn more, go to About Healthcare Services. Or, if any of the below describes you, jump straight in to find out how we could help you.
What's happening?

*To be eligible for a program you must be a member of Teachers Health and have Hospital cover with all relevant waiting periods served. Hospital cover requirements and waiting periods vary for different programs. Additional eligibility criteria may apply.
These programs are brought to members through Teachers Healthcare Services ('Healthcare Services'), an initiative of Teachers Health, to support members' health and wellbeing through quality, evidence-based health management. Eligible members are connected with a dedicated Healthcare Services care coordinator who supports them along the way.