Supporting members with cancer
The Cancer Support Program is all about improving quality of life for eligible Teachers Health members with, or recovering from, cancer*.
Tailored to an individual’s needs, the program is designed to support the physical and mental health of members with cancer. This includes members who are having (or recently completed) cancer treatment, and those living with advanced cancer.
The Cancer Support Program is available to eligible Teachers Health members at no additional cost.
How it works
The program is delivered by Healthcare Services in tandem with specialist cancer services partner, Valion Health.
When we have all relevant referrals and checks in place for you, Valion Health carries out a comprehensive assessment to help you identify your goals and set up your personalised plan.
Their expert team then designs and delivers a personalised program of video call and phone support sessions, plus online education and training.
Support services may include:
- oncology nurse – develop an individual care plan, education, ongoing monitoring and links to local support services
- exercise physiologist – work on a personal exercise program designed to increase your strength and endurance, while improving your energy levels
- oncology-focused dietitian – advice on overcoming problems like decreased appetite and nausea
- psychologist – cognitive coaching, psychoeducation and support, plus practical tools to assist with managing symptoms and side effects.
- Valion Health patient app – connecting you to your Valion Health care team, health data & progress tracking and tailored educational resources
- personalised care pack or group yoga to support your individual care plan.
Accessing the program
To learn more about this program, or start the process, get in touch via our online contact form or email

*To be eligible for the program you must be a member of Teachers Health and have either Top Hospital (Gold), Mid Hospital (Basic Plus) or Mid Classic (Silver Plus) Hospital cover with all relevant waiting periods served. Additional eligibility criteria may apply.
This program is brought to members through Teachers Healthcare Services ('Healthcare Services'), an initiative of Teachers Health, to support members’ health and wellbeing through quality, evidence-based health management. Eligible members are connected with a dedicated Healthcare Services care coordinator who supports them along the way.