Disaster relief assistance
3 March 2022
Member support in times of need
Our thoughts are with everyone who’s been impacted by the latest flooding events. Here you’ll find info on premium relief and mental health resources for the short and longer term.
Premium relief
To help ease financial pressure, we invite Teachers Health members who’ve been directly impacted to apply for three months’ free cover. Premium relief is available to members who:
1. Can show they’ve received an Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment or Disaster Recovery Allowance within the last six months.
Here are the Services Australia links for the flooding events this year:
- New South Wales Floods, September 2022
- New South Wales Floods, July 2022
- New South Wales Floods, February 2022
2. Have been a Teachers Health member for the previous three months, and are paid up-to-date, when applying.
How do I apply?
Email info@teachershealth.com.au with proof of your Disaster Recovery or Allowance payment and we’ll get onto it.
So we can be sure it’s you, please provide one of the following ensuring your name is clearly visible:
- Bank statement – showing your payment
- Services Australia letter – confirming your payment has been granted
- Services Australia SMS – confirming payment and showing your mobile number (so we can check it matches the one we have on your membership).
Mental health support
From the acute stress of a crisis to longer-term recovery, disaster situations can take their toll on the best of us. Here are some support services that may be of help:
Urgent support
If you’re not coping, please reach out to one of the following services as soon as possible:
- Triple zero (000), or your closest hospital emergency department
- Lifeline | 13 11 14
- Beyondblue | 1300 22 4636
If you have Extras cover, you may be able to claim for telepsychology* – psychology consults via phone or video.
Mental Wellness Program
The phone-based Mental Wellness Program is available to eligible members^ with Hospital cover via Teachers Healthcare Services.
*Benefits depend on your level of Extras cover, and remaining limits.
^This program is brought to members through Teachers Healthcare Services, an initiative of Teachers Health to support members’ health and wellbeing through quality, evidence-based health management programs and services. To be eligible for this program you must be a member of Teachers Health and have Hospital cover with all relevant waiting periods served. Additional eligibility criteria may apply. Eligible members are connected with a dedicated Teachers Healthcare Services care coordinator who supports them on their personal journey.