Make the most of your cover
Search for Extras providers offering natural therapies such as acupuncture and remedial massage, and body and mind therapies including physio, chiro, psychology, podiatry and more.
You can also use this search to find all dental and optical providers in Australia.
Check out your Extras Product Sheet to check what you can claim for and what annual limits apply.
To see how much of your annual limits you have left, log on to Online Member Services and go to Claims and Benefit > Benefit Usage. You can also check your usage through our app.
We’ll pay for services from qualified and registered providers in a private practice. Luckily, most providers meet this description, but if you're not sure you can ask them if they’re a "recognised provider" with Teachers Health.
Using the search tool
This search tool* enables you to search by specialty (or name) and location. Click on a profile to see the provider’s bio and contact info.

*By using this search facility you’ll be redirected to HealthShare’s website and agree to be bound by HealthShare’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We don’t recommend or endorse any products, services or providers advertised through HealthShare.