Why get Hospital cover?
Hospital insurance gives you control over your care. As a private patient you can pick a specialist you like and trust, choose where you’re treated and avoid long public hospital wait lists.
Without Hospital cover, fees for a stay in hospital can run into tens of thousands of dollars (and few of us have that sort of money handy).
With Teachers Health Hospital cover you may also be able to access a range of support services at no extra cost*. Like at-home nursing or rehab so you can get out of hospital sooner. Or mental wellness, parenting or weight loss programs.
Speaking of reassuring… it’s also good to know Teachers Health was recognised for value for money and outstanding customer satisfaction for Hospital cover in the Mozo People's Choice Awards 2023.

What do Gold, Silver and Basic mean?
The terms in brackets tell you which Hospital insurance tier the cover sits in. The tiers were introduced by the government to make it easier to compare cover. If we’ve added a ‘Plus’, the cover includes more than the minimum services that have to be in that tier – sometimes a lot more, so don’t be put off by the fact there are a few Basic Plus options.
What's right for you?
We offer different levels of hospital cover, from Basic Hospital (Basic Plus) to Top Hospital (Gold) with the lot. To get the best value, choose cover that reflects your life stage and health. That includes things you will (or might) need, without paying for services you probably won’t.
It's essential to understand what your hospital cover does and doesn’t include, so be sure to have a close read of our product descriptions. You don’t want to be disappointed down the track and we don’t want you to either.
If you have any questions about Hospital cover, we’re here to answer them on 1300 727 538.
*These services are brought to members through Teachers Healthcare Services ('Healthcare Services'), an initiative of Teachers Health. Healthcare Services supports our members’ health and wellbeing through quality, evidence-based health management programs and services. To be eligible for a Healthcare Services program you need to have Teachers Health Hospital cover and have served any relevant waiting periods. Additional eligibility criteria may apply.