What do I need to provide to claim for travel expenses?

The requirements vary slightly depending on whether you see the closest specialist (outside that 200km round-trip boundary), or one who’s further away.

Closest specialist

Please provide one of the following:

  • Letter from treating doctor confirming your attendance (on practice letterhead)
  • Copy of treating doctor’s official account/invoice
  • Copy of Medicare ‘Statement of Claim and Benefit Payment’ (if applicable)
  • Copy of Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) form (if applicable).

 Whichever of these you submit, your documentation must include:

  • Patient’s name
  • Date(s) of service
  • Doctor’s name
  • Doctor’s provider number
  • Practice address.

Not the closest specialist

Provide the information listed above, and the details of your referring doctor:

  • Referring doctor’s name
  • Referring doctor’s provider number.

How to claim travel expenses

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