Can I claim for a CPAP machine via Extras cover?


To claim for a CPAP machine, you need to be on Top Extras with any applicable waiting period served.


You may be able to claim towards the purchase of Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) machines or oxygen concentrators that are:

  • Used to treat sleep apnoea or a breathing condition
  • Purchased from a registered Australian business with a physical presence in Australia. 

You can’t claim towards:

  • Apnoea monitors (that track breathing but don’t treat a health condition)
  • Devices from overseas providers
  • Standalone non-mechanical devices (e.g. nasal inserts)
  • Repair and service fees
  • Device hire fees.


When submitting your claim, please include:

  • Completed Aids and Appliances form signed by your doctor (you only need to do this once)
  • Itemised tax invoice that shows the name of the patient (i.e. the person who’ll be using the machine).


The CPAP machines benefit has a limit that refreshes every three years. See how to check your remaining limits


Looking for info on CPAP machine accessories? See more


Additional Program Support

Living with sleep apnoea can affect your sleep, energy levels and overall well-being. 

Healthcare Services offer personalised support to eligible Teachers Health members. This includes access to programs that promote healthier living, such as guidance on nutrition, physical activity, and, where appropriate, weight management, all aimed at improving sleep quality and daily life. 

Learn more about the programs available to support your health journey

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